Nursing in the International Context of Developing Countries | 56074

जर्नल ऑफ़ क्लिनिकल नर्सिंग एंड प्रैक्टिस


Nursing in the International Context of Developing Countries

Jill Davidson


 Nursing is a profession with many challenges, and we have always known this. It is also a profession of huge alternatives, opportunities for learning and growth. Even though I have been in this profession for over 40 years, I don’t think anything has challenged my abilities, my sens­es, my patience yet given me a great sense of achievement like being a nursing administrator in developing coun­tries. After having spent the previous 20 years reporting to Boards as a Chief Executive Officer, yet with clinical nursing responsibility in many of those roles, I have now returned to my nursing roots as a Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Operating Officer in several developing coun­tries. Spending 12 months in Bangladesh, 6 months in Thailand and now resident in Laos, my role is multi-fac­eted; one of building, commissioning and managing hos­pitals and developing the clinical quality perspective with a vision to lead the hospital to international accredita­tion. However, when you get down to it, the predominant need is always the clinical need. The need for a hospital to reach accreditation standards, the need to fight for sin­gle use device policies and the need to train nurses in basic yet critical skills of hand hygiene, infection control, prevention of antibiotic resistance. This is difficult, yet an amazing experience when the nurses you have influenced become champions as infection control trainers and educators of their patients, their community and their colleagues. Combining my experience as a clinical nurse and a hospital administrator enables me to give back to a community