प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल: खुली पहुंच

ISSN - 2167-1079

आयतन 5, मुद्दा 2 (2015)

शोध आलेख

Analyzing Barriers to Accessing Health Care Services in Holeta Town, Ethiopia

Kidist Birmeta, Bo Ram Sim, Dohyeong Kim, Sarita Dhakal, Young Ah Do and Eun Woo Nam

छोटी समीक्षा

Bundling Preventive Services for Community-Dwelling Seniors: Rationale for Multi-Faceted Public Health Interventions

Molly B Conroy, Janice C Zgibor, Laurey R Simkin-Silverman, Julie M Donohue, Steven M Albert, Lewis H Kuller and Anne B Newman

शोध आलेख

Improving Maternal Health in the Volta Region of Ghana: Development Action Plan from a Baseline Assessment using 5As Framework

Sarita Dhakal, Eun Woo Nam, Young Suk Jun, Ha Yun Kim, Festus Adams and Jin Sung Song

शोध आलेख

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Victorian School Children

Ervin K, Dalle Nogare N, Orr J, Soutter E and Spiller R

शोध आलेख

An Observational Comparative Study of Cardiac Index Estimated By FloTrac and Intermittent Thermo Dilution in Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Manender Kumar Singla, Kanwalpreet Sodhi, Anupam Shrivastava, Kishore C Mukherjee, Sonia Saini and Manpreet Singh Salooja